Thursday, June 10, 2010

Waterproofing Foundation Insulation

Waterproofing foundation insulation is very important to prevent any water from getting inside the insulation and causing any damage to it. If you fail to insulate the foundation properly it will potentially cause a lot of damage to the insulation. This will also reduce the efficiency of the insulation and prevent it from working efficiently.

Tools and Materials Needed

  • Sugar Soap
  • Scarper
  • Waterproof Membrane

Step 1 - Preparing the Walls

Before you can waterproof and apply insulation to the walls you will need to prepare them. Scrape the walls to remove any parts of the wall which stick out. Also use sugar soap to clean the surface of the walls to get rid of all signs of grease and dirt.

Step 2 - Measuring Up

Now you need to do some measuring so that you can find out how much insulation and waterproofing material you need to purchase. Choosing enough material will make it much easier to ensure that the walls are insulated effectively. The waterproof membrane needs to be cut to the right size so that it fits the walls.

Another easier option would be to choose insulation materials which have waterproof membrane stuck to them. This means that you only need to worry about cutting and fitting one thing to the wall. As long as the membrane is fitted the right way around this should provide all the protection you need.

Step 3 - Marking Waterproof Membrane

Now you need to mark the measurements onto the pieces of waterproof membrane. This will make it much easier to know how to cut the membrane to the right size.

Step 4 - Cutting the Membrane

It's very easy to cut the waterproof membrane. Normally a pair of scissors or a craft knife will be enough to cut through the waterproof membrane and make sure that it's the right size. Try to cut accurately to ensure that the wall is waterproofed properly. If there isn't enough membrane then it will allow condensation through the wall.

Step 5 - Fixing Membrane

The membrane then needs to be fixed to the wall using a staple gun or tacks. This is very easy to do and should securely fix the membrane to the wall. Where there are any joints in the membrane material be sure to overlap it. This iwll minimise the chances of water being able to seep through and damage the membrane.

Step 6 - Fixing Insulation

With the wall waterproofed correctly you ca then install the insulation and fix it in place. This is also very easy to do and will provide more warmth to your home. Check that the insulation is fitted correctly so that it is firmly fixed against the wall.

Step 7 - Finishing the Wall

The wall can then be finished using dry wall and plaster. This will make the wall look as good as new and as if you hadn't done anything to it. With the wall finished you should be able to leave it alone without needing to do anything in the future. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality
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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren by Alden Smith

In today's supercharged society, you never know from one day to the next what your life position will be. Things change quickly, even now that you are a senior and are used to a slower paced life. It is not unusual for grandparents to raise their grandchildren. The number doing so has almost doubled since 1970, according to the Ohio State University Extension. It affects all ethnic groups and income levels across the nation. This article focuses on grandparents raising grandchildren, some statistics, and where help and support can be found.

The Facts

Because the census is taken only once every 10 years, the data is a bit skewed. Still, we can see that the increase of grandparents raising grandkids is rising. In 1970, 2.2 million or 3.2 percent of American children lived in a household maintained by a grandparent. In 1997, this figure rose to 3.9 million or 5.5 percent, representing a 76 percent increase over the 27 year period. This increase is not defined by whether or not the parents of the grandchildren were present in the home. Currently, 1.4 million children, or almost 1 in 20, live in a household headed by their grandparents with no parent present.

The Challenges

Because most seniors were raised so much differently than children today are, the prospect of having to raise your grandkids brings a lot of challenge. These challenges are:

  • Feelings of shock and sadness - your life is disrupted
  • Less energy than the youngsters
  • Financial obligation - the necessity of living on a fixed income
  • Behavior problems - not knowing how to address them
  • Legal help - may be necessary if there is evidence of abuse
  • Parent involvement - how to control or limit if necessary

You must ask yourself if this situation is going to be a good one for you. There will of course be issues, but the consequences may be such that you will end up seeing your grandkids in a foster home. No grandparent wishes that.

What The Child Brings To The Home

Our children truly are a blessing - ones to be nurtured and cared for, educated and kept from harms way. Children also have a lot to give to an empty nest, where life may seem boring and fruitless. Let's look at what the child has to offer:

  • Energy - the boundless energy of a child is heart warming
  • Optimism - children haven't had the chance to get cynical
  • Laughter - a home without laughter is just a house
  • Activity - they help keep you young by being active
  • Love - nothing is better than the love of a young child
  • Youthfulness - this is a panacea to older people
  • Satisfaction - knowing you are doing the right thing

What Grandparents Have To Offer

This relationship is not one-sided. The grandparent also has a role in the children's lives. This provides a good mix for a happy home. Here is what grandparents can bring to the child:

  • Maturity - an authority figure and one wise in their ways
  • Wisdom - the wisdom of a well lived life
  • Stability - a safe, secure home for the children
  • Social stability, which young children often need
  • A well regimented home with both grandparents usually
  • present.

As you can see, this is a good arrangement for both grandchild and grandparent. It this an easy situation? No, it often is not. Butlook on the bright side: Grandparents tend to love their grandchildren at times more than they did their own children. Their working lives are beyond them, and they have more time to devote raising a child.

Support Is Always Available

There are many different support groups for grandparents having grandchildren to raise. Having been raised in a home where "spare the rod and spoil the child" was the general rule, grandparents often have a hard time dealing with this situation. A list of support groups is listed here:

  • Support groups - in the community and on the web
  • Websites - there are hundreds of grandparent support groups
  • available. One of the most popular is
  • Social services - every community has a service that will
  • help with everything from funds to mental health support
  • Legal services - these are often needed if there is a
  • question of custody or abuse is present
  • Relatives - they can often help in any situation that is
  • too overwhelming for the grandparent
  • Government programs - many are available for grandparents,
  • both as volunteer and mental health organizations

Being a grandparent raising a child does not need to be overwhelming. Use the resources available, and make the experience a pleasant one for both you and your grandchild. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality
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Teach Your Grandchildren Well by Alden Smith

Senior citizens have a lifetime of experience in everything from housekeeping to running a business. Seniors also have the advantage of time on their hands to do as they please. Upon retirement, many feel that their lives have ended -- when in reality it has just begun. Now is the time to really enjoy life. And there is no better way to enjoy life than to teach your grandchildren the values and knowledge you have gained over the many years you have been on this earth. We discuss here the art of teaching your grandchildren and what you can do to make their lives more meaningful.

What You As A Grandparent Must Know

It is important to realize as grandparents that your grandkids just weren't raised like you were. Members of the older generation have been raised with different values, different discipline and with much greater authority. Nowadays, that has all changed. Kids are likely raised in a household where both parents work. Mom and Dad rush off to work in the morning, and when they return they are busy with daily chores. The children often are relegated to the television as babysitter and mentor. It is not a good situation for anyone. Grandparents, on the other hand, have unlimited time to give to their grandchildren, so the best thing they can do for their grandkids is to mentor them.

Cause And Effect

When children act out, they do so in predictable ways. Three things generally motivate them. These are:

* They want something
* They are trying to avoid something
* They wish to change the level of excitement in the home.

Recognizing these attributes goes a long way in dealing with the grandchild. The way that children communicate their desires that is difficult for people to live with. We need to remember that they do not have the social skills or communication levels that we do in order to deal with them.

If a child wants something, they often misbehave. If it is something that you don't wish them to have, simply tell them no, and try to give a short, logical explanation why. Teach them to ask in an appropriate way, and teach them that if they do so, their chances of getting what they want are much better.

Often, children will act inappropriately when they are trying to avoid something. If a child turns into a monster just before leaving for school, for example, there may be something there that is bothering them. Get them to talk about what is bothering them. The solution may be something as simple as making a phone call to the appropriate person in the school system, or talking to the parents of someone who may be bullying the child. Children do not perceive or process threats as seniors do. Relaying this information to a child will help them to grow.

Acting out when the home is filled with visitors or during a holiday celebration can be an indicator that the child needs relief from the excitement. They may need to retreat to their own personal place, or be allowed to go outdoors to play. Children will act this way intentionally to get your attention. Perhaps the child feels left out of the festivities. In trying to get your attention, they can become obnoxious. It is our obligation as adults to teach our grandkids how to be appropriate and pleasant to be around. If we fail to do this, then the child has no other option than to learn the best way they can.

Support Groups For Grandparents

You might be overwhelmed by grandkids that misbehave, and not know how to deal with it. For the grandparent that is clueless, there are support groups. A good place to go for information is If a grandparent has mobility or transportation issues, this is a great place to start. The site is very large, and can answer more questions than the scope of this article can cover. It is probably one of the best sites on the web.

Whether you are an old hand at raising children, or find yourself in the role of helping raise your grandchildren, it is your obligation to teach them, and teach them well. Don't let lack of information stop you. There is plenty available. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality
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The Empty Nest Syndrome by Alden Smith

Psychologists define the empty nest syndrome as an empty feeling of loneliness when the children have left home. It is especially present for women. When the nest begins to empty, many women are beginning to enter menopause, making this especially hard on them. Even worse, when the child marries, the feeling of "being replaced" in your child's life by the new spouse is prevalent. In relationships between parents and children which are exceptionally strong makes the syndrome much worse. When the children were at home, there was a hands-on approach to their lives. Now, when married and removed often by long distance, parents suffer a great deal. For seniors who have grandchildren, the feeling can be much stronger. Here, we discuss the empty nest syndrome and what can be done about it.

What Causes Empty Nest Syndrome?

Empty Nest Syndrome occurs when children leave home for college or to get married. Parents who spent years giving all their time to the children find themselves with little to do. They have no clue of what to do with themselves. Feelings of sadness are high at this point. Parents find themselves dwelling on their children, and even spending time in the child's bedroom reminiscing. At this time, it is important that you monitor your feelings -- both their strength and duration. Yes, it is normal to miss your children. Making yourself sick over it, however, is not normal and needs attention.

The good news today is that parents are not experiencing the empty nest syndrome as badly as they did in bygone years. Several decades ago, the mother was in the home, rearing the children and managing the household while the father worked. There was a very strong structure to the family, with relatives usually a big part of it. Today, a lot of children are moving back home to the relatively safe environment but wishing to be treated as adults. Many parents don't mind this -- it gets the kids back home. A lot of these children, normally between the ages of 25 to 34, have had a bad experience that necessitates moving back in with mom and dad. They may have gone through a divorce, economic hardship, or even drug and alcohol-related problems.

Things To Do to Help

When the feelings of empty nest syndrome take over your life, you are unable to function in the necessary capacity. This is unfair - you have spent your own life raising kids and shouldn't suffer from these feelings. Alleviate these problems in these ways:

* Buy phone cards and send them to the kids. No excuses now!
If they are a long way from home, stay in contact via the
Internet. Use VOIP or instant messaging. The services are
free in most cases, and a daily schedule with
the kiddies makes life easier.

* Send them care packages. Send needed items that the
daughter or son wouldn't normally buy for themselves. This
shows you care and gives them a good feeling about
your love for them. Never overdo it, and never make them
feel obligated or guilty in any way.

* If you are a senior with a lot of unlimited time due to
retirement, try to schedule time to spend with your children.
You could visit them for a week or two each year, and make
yourself useful in the process. Many young people haven't
a clue of how to care for a home. Skilled parents
can teach them to cook, how to repair a leaking faucet or
repair plumbing. Mothers can teach daughters skills that
they just didn't have time to do when the kids were at

Extreme Cases and Their Cures

The empty nest syndrome should be a passing thing. A retired couple needs to learn to enjoy the company of one another, and take time for themselves. Now is the time to work on further developing your relationship with your spouse. You may find that you have a very good friend, and didn't even know it. If this is not happening, then you should consider seeking professional help. Discuss the feelings with your primary care physician, and seek help when things get overwhelming. There are support groups for people who suffer from this malady. Often when things are so bad you cannot deal with them, a simple medication is in order. Getting the children raised and out on their own is often the best thing that can happen to a couple that have worked hard their entire adult life to raise and support their children. This site facilitate with home improvement,home repair,extreme home makeover,home improvement site,HGTV,DIY,do-it-yourself,buying guides,consumer reports ,Free home improvement advice, great remodeling tips, and appliance buying guides by leading home improvement authority, DIY expert and HGTV personality
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